Tuesday, March 21, 2017

color tutorial

The information about color harmony and understanding how it works is helpful. Having a better understanding of what Hue, Value , and Saturation are and why they relate to each other is important.
The Hue is the color, the saturation refers to the intensity or brightness of the color, and the value is how dark or light a color is. Without any value there is no hue or saturation.
Having a good understanding of your project will directly affect the use of color, such as audience, the product, and the originality. By thinking about these concepts you can change the direction of the project with a well thought out color palette that can affect the mood and feel of a project.

communicating with color

interaction of color

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

color wheel

Marian Banges

Marian Banges gave an me an inspirational approach typography. She started out doing work that she wasn't really motivated by. Her approach to a job made her stand out because she would get the job done and also submit something that the clients didn't want but was more artistic and original that she liked.
She started working on book covers and this allowed her to produce work she was passionate about. By having her own studio and time to be creative she started creating themed cards and sending her work to design agencies. This made her stand out as these agencies took note of her creativity. By approaching the graphic design field in this way she was able to make a name for herself as a more creative illustrator than just a designer.
